Stemming Domestic Violence in the US

While there are cases of men being battered and oppressed by women, majority of incidents involve men occasioning pain on their spouses or sexual partners. Some of the forms of domestic violence include rape, murder, battery, stalking, verbal insults, psychological torture and so on.

Shocking statistics

According to Close to one in three women have been slapped, pushed or shoved by an intimate partner in their lifetimes. Nearly one in four women experience severe physical violence such as being beaten, burned, choked, slammed against something or hit with a fist. For men, almost 14 percent experience severe intimate partner violence in their lifetimes.

The Washington Post weighs in too, “Among the most common types of severe violence women experienced by intimate partners: being slammed against something and being hit with a fist or hard object.”

An America Pastime

Domestic violence is so prevalent in the US that described is thus, “Domestic violence is as American as Apple Pie.” The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assert that 20% of women will have been raped in their lifetime. For men, the rate is 1 in 71 individuals. In essence domestic violence is so prevalent in America that everyone is at risk in their lifetime.

Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA)

The government of President Obama was alive to this fact when it enacted VESSA. Many victims lose jobs when they fail to report for work as they seek for legal and medical assistance to deal with cases of domestic violence. The bill was sponsored by President Obama and seeks to protect victims and family members seeking for justice and treatment.

Protecting women through legal means

This bill, together with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), help victims of domestic violence not to lose their jobs and also promotes financial educational support to victims. The two bills further create mechanisms to deal with teen pregnancy, staking and sexual

© EthLeen


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